October 2023

Foreclosures and Bankruptcies Won’t Crash the Housing Market

If you’ve been following the news recently, you might have seen articles about an increase in foreclosures and bankruptcies. That could be making you feel uneasy, especially if you’re thinking about buying or selling a house. But the truth is, even though the numbers are going up, the data shows the housing market isn’t headed […]

Foreclosures and Bankruptcies Won’t Crash the Housing Market Read More »

Unmasking Scary Myths about Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights Here’s what you really need to know about a few myths causing fear in today’s housing market. Despite common misconceptions, many people can buy a home even if they have student loans, home prices are rising nationally (not falling), and you usually don’t have to have 20% for a down payment. If you

Unmasking Scary Myths about Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC] Read More »